Hello and welcome to Invermere Yoga also known as Moving Well. My name is Nat Forrest and I have been teaching Yoga in the valley since 1999. I believe that Yoga is more about presence than it is about postures and as such I teach people to build awareness of their bodies and how they're being as they move into, throughout, and out of yoga postures and movements. And that's important because what it creates is more ease, more space, more breath, more freedom, more comfort, more function, ... and perhaps even more important than that is a better understanding of one's self one's body and how we're being. and when that occurs healing naturallycomes. My classes are small, interactive, and co-creative! What that means is that I create my classes to who shows up in the room - what they say they want, the feedback that I get, and how I can help them so each class, each private , each workshop is unique. What you will often find in my classes is laughter, space for questions and feedback and the ability to completely change what we're doing to meet everybody where their at ...and of course lots of space for breathing, just being and quiet because as I see it the more chaotic our world gets the more we need these skills. So thank you for stopping by! If you have any questions please reach out. Email: movingwell.invermere@gmail.com
Like many people, it’s likely that you’ve come to Yoga to connect and to calm something - a specific ache or pain, an overall sense of physical tension, mental overload, emotional overwhelm, or perhaps a general wanting to feel more at ease, find more connection, flow, ease, and peace.
And that is exactly why I don't focus on teaching the postures in my classes and privates, I focus on teaching you.
I help you learn:
how to listen, truly listen, to your body because as it turns out when Yoga teachers say "listen to your body" most people don't actually know what that means
"I'd been to other classes and had heard the phrases 'listen to your body',
and 'go at your own pace', but didn't understand what that meant.
NOW I know how to listen to my body and go at my own pace.
Why didn't anyone tell me that's what I was supposed to be doing in that pose!"
Carla S., Invermere - Function, Form, Flow, and Fun Class
​what is supposed to be moving and not moving so that you can become aware of how your movement is contributing to that tension, pain, overwhelm, disconnection and lack of calm; because Yoga really isn't a practice of postures, it's a practice of presence.
"Before I would just make my body do what the teacher was saying
and do whatever it took to get my body into the shape that the teacher had.
But now it's more about me feeling and understanding
my body in the postures with a little bit of guidance from the teacher"
Timm S., - Function, Form, Flow, and Fun Class
become more aware of how your body is connected (for example: in one of the classes a student discovered that their wrist issues were actually shoulder issues)
“Is this stuff magic?!” Dallas H., - The Undoing Classes
Here’s what to expect in my classes & privates:
An understanding of what and how to move well - it's not about what the posture looks like, it's about where can your body genuinely move into that increases your ability to breathe and be present.
What’s “supposed” to be happening the postures and whether it’s actually happening - turns out not many people know this
How to work with your body to dissolve tension and pain, create more ease - your body will show you that, you just need a few skills to understand what it's saying
Small classes = ability to ask questions and get feedback
how to listen to your body (for real)
Space to explore your body and movement (all to often classes don't allow us time to really understand how our body is moving - we just get lead along a flow without regard for whether it's truly good for our body)
Laughter - we do a lot of that because it’s healing - so often in healing work we conflate serious for sincere… as one of my teachers used to say to me "it’s called enLIGHTENment, Natt"
Quiet time - every class has space within it just to breathe and be, because one of the most radical things we can do in our society is learn to just be and breathe
The focus of Moving Well classes, workshops, and privates aren't the postures, it's you.
Your connection to your body and being.
We'll be a good fit if:
*you already do stuff at home - yoga, meditation, exercise, dance OR are super keen to get into a home practice,
*you are willing to slow down and increase your awareness and explore how your movements REALLY affects your overall health and ease,
*you are willing to spend time with yourself doing a practice that brings you greater awareness, ease, and peace on a regular basis,
We probably won't jibe at this time if:
*you have a "no pain, no gain" attitude,
*you are unwilling to slow down and increase your awareness - often times the pattern is just under our level of awareness and if we can become aware we can take the first step to dissolving the pattern,

Private Sessions
One - on -One, or private classes
We work together to create a specialized home program that will help you heal.
Private sessions are great for people who want to work on injuries, chronic pain & stiffness, or want to better understand their own body.
Private sessions generally yield faster results than classes.

Classes & Workshops
Classes, workshops, special offerings
My classes aren’t just about stretching; they’re a way to gain insight, stability, strength, ease, breath, and balance in your body (in a tangible way, that is specific to you and your movement patterns).
Many classes put the pose ahead of the function of your body, I do the opposite. Learn how therapeutic movement coupled with yogic techniques can enhance your ability to move well.

01/19 - 01/23
EcoYogaTherapy(TM) is my baby; it's a weaving together of two of my loves: Applied EcoPsychology and Yoga.
EcoYogaTherapy is the (re)uniting of our inner nature with Nature. I believe that Yoga was originally practiced in relationship with Nature and that it's time to re-wild our practices.

Looking for my newsletter?
I've decided not to have a newsletter any more.
We all get too many emails these days.
When you enrol in one of my courses, live classes, or programs you’ll have the option to receive occasional updates and event invitations from me.

Deanna Berrington,
private client
"Working with Natalie has produced significant and (to me!) surprising results; her knowledge of anatomy and understanding of the interwoven working of the body has helped me to pinpoint areas of difficulty and compensation in my body and daily life, and her patient use of movement has helped me become a more balanced individual, both mentally and physically, literally and figuratively. I can't tell you how many people commented how much taller I looked, even after only 2 sessions; which is nothing to how much better I feel. "

Class participants
“This is great – it’s like physio yoga. There’s lots of time to work on the movements.” J.King
"“My neck didn’t hurt for a week and a half after those shoulder exercises – it was really great!” -Ang.
"“I think it’s from the work we’re doing in class, but last time I played I found new parts of my edges! All of a sudden my crossovers started making a lot more sense. ” & "My hip doesn't hurt anymore when I play hockey." Hockey players

Loreen Jacobs,
private client
"I found Natalie shortly after beginning to walk again after 16 weeks with my foot up on pillows and getting about with a wheelchair. My foot surgery had finally healed but I was very weak and had terrible balance. Natalie helped me with various exercises and stretches and my body awareness, balance and strength improved. I wish I had been able to have more sessions with Natalie, but my husband and I left for Arizona in late October. The one thing I have kept doing is being aware of opening my rib cage when I breathe while settling down to sleep. Here in AZ I have joined a "Core strength and balance" class for seniors and I am comfortable walking about without a cane. I am grateful to Natalie for setting me down the right path!"